Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rossi's Tropical Garden Plants and Aquatic Plants for sale

Tropical Plants for sale

Cordylines, Bromeliads, Rhoeo, Angel's Trumpet, Frangipani, Crotons, Crinum Lily, Coleus, Dracaena, Alocasia, Ctenanthe, Heliconias, Gingers and other tropical foliage and flowering plants.

Aquatic Plants for sale

Colocasia, Thalia, Swamp Hibiscus, Papyrus, Acorus, Iris, Arum Lilies, Parrot's Feather, Japanese Blood Grass
Waterlilies - tropical, hardy, tropical nocturnal (night bloomers)

Most of the above mentioned plants are available from Spring to early Winter. These are just the selection currently available, their will be a wider selection within the coming weeks.

Tropical Garden Plants

Cordyline 'Pink Diamond'

Cordyline 'Miss Andrea'

Cordyline 'Willie's Gold'

Cordyline 'Katrijn'

Achmea blanchetiana

Aechmea blanchetiana

Group planting of Aechmea blanchetiana
Aechme blanchetiana in flower

Aechma 'Little Harvae' in flower bud

Aechmea orlandiana 'Bleack Beauty'

Neoregelia 'Caribean Sunset'

Neoregelia 'Enchantment'

Neoregelia fosperior 'Perfection'

Neoregelia 'Gee Whiz

Brugmansia datura 'White Angel's Trumpet'

Brugmansia datura 'White Angel's Trumpet'

Brugmansia datura 'White Angel's Trumpet'

Dianella 'Silver Streak'

Zantedescia aetheopica 'Arum Lily'

Clivea miniata var. 'Variegated Clivea lily'

Dracaena reflexa 'Song of India'
(formally known as Pleomele)

Tradescantia spathacea 'Rhoeo'

Aquatic Plants

Waterlily Tropical (Light Pink)

Waterlily Tropical (Light Pink)

Waterlily Tropical Nocturnal (Pink)
Flowers from about 6pm til 11am the following day.
Other colours available: Red, White.

Waterlily Tropical Nocturnal Pink Leaf

Waterlily Tropical (Pink)

Waterlily Tropical 'Tina' (Purple)

Waterlily Tropical 'Tina' (Purple)

Waterlily Hardy (Yellow)

Waterlily Hardy (Yellow)

Flower of Hibiscus coccinea 'Swamp Hibiscus'
Aquatic marginal plant to over 1.5m tall
(grows in 15-23cm water depth)

Thalia geniculata ' Red Stem Water Canna'
Aquatic marginal plant up to 30cm water over the crown

Canna glauca 'Water Canna'
Aquatic marginal plant 15-23cm water depth)

Colocasia esculenta 'Black Magic
Aquatic marginal plant 15-23cm water depth)

Colocasia esculenta 'Imperial Taro'
Aquatic marginal plant 15-23cm water depth)

Colocasia esculenta 'Imperial Taro'
Aquatic marginal plant 15-23cm water depth

Colocasia esculenta 'Imperial Taro'
Aquatic marginal plant 15-23cm water depth)

Cyperus papyrus 'Dwarf Papyrus'
Aquatic marginal plant (15-23cm water depth)

Iris lousianna - 'Louisianna Iris'
Aquatic marginal plant (15-23cm water depth) or boggy garden soil

Iris lousianna - 'Louisianna Iris'
Aquatic marginal plant (15-23cm water depth) or boggy garden soil

Iris lousianna - 'Louisianna Iris'
Aquatic marginal plant (15-23cm water depth) or boggy garden soil

Cyperus alternifolius 'Umbrella Grass'
Aquatic marginal plant (15-23cm water depth)

Phalaris arundinaea picta 
Small green/white stripey aquatic marginal plant (15-23cm water depth)

Pontederia cordata 'White Pickerel'
Aquatic marginal plant (15-23cm water depth)

All plants are of very high quality as they have been professionally grown. No, the plants I grow and sell are not as cheap as you might be able to get at some markets and budget places however they are reasonably priced. If you are looking for top quality healthy plants, pest and disease free, advice on plant selection or advanced horticultural advice and design ideas, then yes, come and see me. Not your ordinary run of the mill varieties, will suit collectors and enthusiasts and anyone looking for interesting plants.

Apart from the hobby aspects, this is my proffession. I have also had extensive training and experience with ponds and water features and I am usually called upon to sort out many problems associated with the design & construction, installation and maintenance of ponds or water features as well as water quality management. I have a high level of interest with aquatic plants as well.

The main areas I focus on within my business include; consulting, design, supply, installation and maintainence of;

Tropical style gardens, ponds and water features, aquaponics, hydroponics, permaculture and sustainable living, rain harvesting & water wise water distribution.

Want further info or have any questions?, email me:  shaneross@hotmail.com.au